VideosExplore the Dream Theater video library! Videos Filter AllMusic VideosLive VideosInterviews & DocumentariesLyric Videos A Broken ManNight TerrorThe Spirit Carries On (from Distant Memories)Fatal Tragedy (from Distant Memories)Pale Blue Dot (from Distant Memories)Endless Sacrifice (Live at Budokan)As I Am (Live at Budokan)Solitary Shell (Live at Budokan)Afterlife (from Score)Metropolis Pt. 2 Medley (From The Boston Opera House)Images, Words & Beyond Mini DocumentaryStrange Déjà Vu (Live from The Boston Opera House)The Looking Glass (Live from The Boston Opera House)Metropolis Pt. 1 (Live at Luna Park)Pull Me Under (Live at Luna Park)Build Me Up, Break Me DownAnswering The CallTranscending TimeAwaken The MasterInvisible MonsterThe AlienParalyzedUntethered AngelOur New WorldThe Gift of MusicEnigma MachineThe Looking GlassThe Enemy InsideOn the Backs of AngelsWitherA Rite of PassageForsakenConstant MotionHollow YearsThe Silent ManLieTake The TimeAnother DayPull Me Under