Twitter Listening Party for Metropolis Pt.2!

May 29, 2020

UPDATE: Thanks to all who participated in the first #DreamTheaterListeningParty for Metropolis Pt.2 Scenes From A Memory! As a thank you to our fans, we released the complete Metropolis Pt.2 encore from our “Breaking The Fourth Wall” concert film on our YouTube, watch below!

We are excited to announce the first in a series of Twitter listening parties for our studio albums! On June 12 at 6pm EST, join us in experiencing our 1999 album METROPOLIS PT.2 SCENES FROM A MEMORY! Here’s some info on how this works… stream/play the album from the start at precisely 6pm EST on June 12. Use the #DreamTheaterListeningParty hashtag to get involved and share your thoughts and memories. We will be tweeting content throughout the playback duration so be sure to follow our Twitter account at so you don’t miss anything!