To All of our Fans, Friends, Family, Colleagues and Peers

January 27, 2021

We, Dream Theater, wish to extend our most sincere thanks for the unbelievable outpouring of support during December’s “The Holiday Spirit Carries On” initiative, to generate funds for our crew during the last turbulent year. 2020 was immensely difficult for us all, and no one is exempt from the difficulties and stresses that a global pandemic brings forth. Our tremendous crew, who we truly feel are our extended family as we tour the world together sharing living and working spaces, are certainly no exception.

The complete cessation of the concert touring industry has made it so that our crew have been unable to put their skills, knowledge, and experience to use. Like so many others in 2020 and now in 2021, our crew have been unable to work in their field of expertise. With “The Holiday Spirit Carries On”, it was our hope that we might be able to create something that would further generate an expression of appreciation and support from our Dream Theater fans and friends. An endeavor that would be supported by all those involved either directly or indirectly, with the music industry. We can say without a doubt, that in doing so we were able to achieve and even surpass the milestones we initially hoped for.

We are tremendously thankful and appreciative of everyone who purchased this track. Thankful and appreciative of everyone who told their family and friends. Every DJ who played and shared the song with listeners, and of Bandcamp for their care and assistance. Every journalist and outlet that picked up the story of the meaning behind “The Holiday Spirit Carries On”. Most of all, for the overwhelming expressions of support from all, in every manner imaginable. An unprecedented success, in an unprecedented year.

Once again, our most heartfelt expression of thanks to everyone around the world who supported “The Holiday Spirit Carries On”, and the meaning behind it.

We thank you. Our crew thanks you.

We all look forward to seeing you again soon!

Dream Theater